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3 min read
Embrace the cold!
Cold therapy, also known as cryotherapy, is a form of treatment that involves the application of cold temperatures to the body.
3 min read
Live the Mediterranean life!
The Mediterranean diet has gained increasing popularity in recent years, and for good reason.
3 min read
The sauna, a secret weapon!
Saunas have been used for centuries as a means of relaxation and promoting good health.
2 min read
Quenching the thirst!
Hydration is one of the most critical aspects of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The human body is composed mostly of water...
2 min read
The need for sleep!
Sleep is a fundamental part of human biology and an essential aspect of a healthy lifestyle.
4 min read
Importance of fasting & what breaks it!
Fasting or intermittent fasting (IF) has widely become an accepted driver of many health benefits.
2 min read
Yogurt versus Kefir!
With growing awareness on the importance of gut health, more people are learning about less talked about foods beneficial to our gut....
2 min read
Gut microbiota importance for overall health!
Understanding how vital it is to maintain a strong and healthy gut flora will change the way we appreciate its value. Organs often...
3 min read
Eating your way to longevity!
Some obvious and not so obvious do's and don'ts of healthy eating.
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